Since it does not introduce many new textures, it does not require frequent updates and bug fixes. Released in May 2022, the resource pack received several updates. Additional Realism resource pack was developed by user DigitalAmbition. Additional Realism resource pack aims to achieve this goal and manages to do a reasonably good job. The solution comes in the form of a texture pack that aims to mimic or emulate shader-pack features. Vanilla Minecraft can run smoothly on old computers but when you add a shader pack to the mix, it can cripple your FPS. The problem that shader packs pose is that they can be very taxing when it comes to game performance. For better lighting, sky, and cloud textures, you need to look at shader packs. While the vast majority of them focus on texture resolution and details, lighting is rarely touched. If you dig deep enough, you can find Minecraft resource packs that make it look like a whole different game.