Hormones are produced in specialised organs called glands as well as in endocrine cells located in various organs throughout the body. The endocrine system is responsible for the production and transmission of information in the body via messenger substances called hormones. The Function of the Endocrine System: Glands and Hormones in Psychology 1 - The endocrine system has different functions. Finally, we will discuss the various endocrine system diseases and how they affect the body.įig.Following this, we will also provide a glands hormones and their functions chart.We will provide a list of endocrine glands and their hormones to illustrate our discussion.First, we will explore the endocrine system's organs and functions.We are going to delve into the world of the function of the endocrine system glands and hormones in psychology.In short, the function of the endocrine system is that it is a network of organs that supports the regulation of the body's functions through chemical messengers, known as hormones. Similarly, all glands work together, monitored by the hypothalamus in the regulation of body functions.
All musicians work together when playing or creating music. It can be compared to an orchestra in the sense that every musician - in this case, every gland - has its function. The endocrine system is a specialised system that supports the body in its functionality.